Michelle Peal, ND
Dr. Michelle Peal is a Naturopathic doctor with 30 years of experience in holistic health, resonance, and frequency-balancing techniques. She also holds a bachelors degree in computer science that has helped her understand the base systems programming of the body.
Doctor Peal uses a wide range of techniques, including hands-on, Dowsing, Radionics, and various energy-balancing techniques. She has used Dowsing and Radiesthesia for over 40 years to identify problems and find solutions.
By taking advantage of natural energy principles that apply to everything on the planet, Doctor Peal assists her clients to solve their problems. With the steady rise in energy on our planet, it has become evident that the use of Dowsing, Radiesthesia, and Radionics are critical for her client’s continued success.
Doctor Peal will address the issues of imbalances in the polarity of different systems, and the changes in our energy fields.
She will explain how to correct polarity imbalances, and the methods she uses with all her projects and clients all over the US and internationally. Without a balanced polarity within our own systems, our dowsing answers will be corrupted.
In addition, Doctor Peal will discuss the energetic issues that are affecting us currently on Earth, as well as cosmically. Energy is life, and we can learn how to take advantage of these energy surges and ride high on the waves as they come.
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