The American Society of Dowsers is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1961, to disseminate knowledge of dowsing (water witching, the discovery of lost articles or persons, and related para-psychological phenomena), development of its skills, and recognition for its achievements.
The American Society of Dowsers, Inc. is a scientific and educational non-profit organization whose mission is “to support, encourage and promote dowsing and dowsers in a manner consistent with the highest standards of personal integrity and behavior; to provide dowsing education and training to dowsers and non-dowsers alike to bring them to a level of proficiency they are comfortable with; to promote and foster communication and fellowship among all persons in any way interested in dowsing.”
Dowsing Theories – disseminate knowledge of dowsing (water witching, the discovery of lost articles or persons, and related para-psychological phenomena), development of its skills, and recognition for its achievements.
That was the idea behind creating the American Society of Dowsers. We started out with nearly 100 charter members who were mainly water dowsers, over 60 years later we have hundreds of members around the world that can dowse for almost anything.
Research Led – American Society of Dowsers is lead by the research of dowsing theories and techniques
Members of the American Society of Dowsers make up the largest organized body of dowsers in the world. ASD is also home to many of the United States’ most skilled dowsers, ranging from water dowsers to seekers of minerals and lost objects, energetic dowsers, esoteric dowsers, and a great deal more. Get access to Convention Presentations, Tele-Conferences and past digests. Receive discounts on events and purchases. Enjoy Members Only benefits. To join ASD, Click Here.