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The American Society of Dowsers is a nonprofit corporation founded in Vermont in 1961 to disseminate knowledge of dowsing (water witching, discovery of lost articles or persons, and related parapsychological phenomena), development of its skills, and recognition for its achievements. The society issues the quarterly journal the American Dowser, which present a representative cross-section of this highly diverse material. We hold an annual convention as well as regional conferences and local chapter events throughout the year.

Mission Statement

The American Society of Dowsers, Inc. is a scientific and educational non-profit organization whose mission is “to support, encourage and promote dowsing and dowsers in a manner consistent with the highest standards of personal integrity and behavior; to provide dowsing education and training to dowsers and non-dowsers alike to bring them to a level of proficiency they are comfortable with; and to promote and foster communication and fellowship among all persons in any way interested in dowsing.” 

In line with our stated mission, members of the American Society of Dowser will work:

  • To unite for an interchange of experiences, ideas, and good fellowship
  • To build up records of dowsing accomplishments
  • To advance the systematic and responsible use of dowsing
  • To declare and demonstrate that dowsing for water must be included as one means of overcoming the increasingly serious international water shortage
  • To cooperate with any professional or research groups that wish to learn about dowsing, on the basis that dowsing is an established living experience
  • To assist anyone who wishes to develop the use of any faculty for dowsing that he or she possesses
  • To encourage humility in dowsers about the possibility of human error in their findings

Code of Ethics
Members shall be guided in all their relationships with the public by the highest standards of personal integrity.
Members shall uphold before the public at all times the dignity and reputation of the Society.
Members shall avoid and discourage sensationalism, exaggeration, undignified and unwarranted statements and misleading advertisements.
Members shall refuse to undertake work that may be of questionable value or results without first advising as to the pro bability of success.
Members shall not willfully use or attempt to use their membership in this organization as evidence of their qualifications as dowsers or as a measure of ability or proficiency.
Members in good standing may mention their membership in their resumes and biographies. With written approval of ASD’s Executive Committee, members may exhibit or use the name of this Society on any letterhead or stationery, on any personal business cards, and in any advertising of a personal, business or professional nature.

These guidelines have been excerpted from the By-laws: Chapter XV, Section 1, as amended 4/16/11.


The American Society of Dowsers offers our website visitors a rich collection of free articles, brochures, forms, and documents for download. You will find a variety of information here for your perusal. All documents are printable and downloadable.

Dowsing With a Pencil

Dowsing Information and Artifacts

First Membership Meeting

Raymond Willey's notes from the first membership meeting of the American Society of Dowsers.

History of the ASD - By Terry Ross

Terry Ross's address given in 1985 marking the 25th anniversary of the American Society of Dowsers.

4,3,2,1 Handout  

A four-page booklet with simple tips and information for beginning dowsers.

Exploring the Shared Nondual Experience of Master Dowsers

Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of California Institute of Integral Studies.  Written by Jennabeth Ward

Official By-Laws

The American Society of Dowsers governing laws.

Policies & Procedures Manual

The American Society of Dowsers Policies and Procedures Manual, detailing the operations of the society.

American Society of Dowsers  •  PO Box 24  •  Danville, VT 05828

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